Sunday, September 5, 2010

on a fool's errand.

If you're reading this, you probably know me. You are my friend, my classmate, my brother, or mother, or father, or that guy who knows that girl you met at what his name's house three months ago, who I used to be friends with. Oh, the wonders of Facebook...

So you probably know that I'm a psychology student at Missouri State University. That I got my undergraduate degree at a lovely little snob-vent called Knox College, in the cloistered halls of liberal academia. Maybe that I love to read, and write, and that I study religious motivation. You might even know that I moved to southwest Missouri last year, from the Chicago area, and what a last year it has been.

You know Ashley, and hopefully the complete Ashley that I am. You're aware that I laugh when I get nervous. That I have an impressive knack for saying inappropriate things in sensitive moments. And that I pretend to be terrible with names just in case I forget yours, but am actually an above-average name-memorizer.

What you might not know is that I am a girl passionately after God.

You might not know that my interest in theology is very much a personal quest. That for all of the churches I've walked into, my heart has left very few. And that when I tell you in casual conversation that religion is fascinating, I am telling you that God is intriguing. I am showing you my heart.

I don't always understand everything I see, or hear, or feel, but no one does. I do know that I'm willing to be wrong, and that I will gladly be a fool, to find God.

Feel free to be a little foolish with me, if you dare.

1 comment:

  1. Such a beautiful introduction to this blog--I look forward to dropping in from time to time. Hopefully we will have one of our wonderful late night 6hr chats.
